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Miles Offside

Dec 20, 2018

Fair warning: this was recorded before Jose was sacked! And another fair warning, this is one-third football and two-thirds Christmas nonsense! Thank you for listening this year and see you in 2019!

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Dec 13, 2018

The MOP boys bring you the usual mix of news, top of the table analysis and bottom of the sock drawer sock chat...

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Dec 7, 2018

This week's episode started with one of our hosts disillusioned with football, and ended with both - as Oscar tries not to be too distracted while watching Wolves v Chelsea...

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Nov 30, 2018

We are back to talk Tottenham v Chelsea and the wider implications, the incredibly tight situation at the bottom... and FIFA are doing... FIFA things...

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Nov 21, 2018

This week we bring you a very special non-football episode where we pay homage to the great Stan Lee's work with a one-off Marvel Special featuring MOPhead-in-Chief and all-round supernerd Dave Matteo!

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